

In your blog please write your comments and thoughts of the movie.

Today's movie was really fun. Thank you, Meiki sensei.

Do you think this is a true story?
Maybe this movie is made overly, but I think this is a true story.
Sometimes religious difference is a big problem.

Can this really happen in today's modern times?
Yes, I think so.
Our minds are becoming open to other religions and ideas, but still have problems of them.
I think marriage should be more free, and make the couple the first priority.
However, in my case, I'm an irreligious, so I can't imagine that join religious family.

Happy Christmas☆

3 件のコメント:

Gareth さんのコメント...

It is a big deal to change your religion to marry someone. I think that marriages can work even if the two people have different religions.

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

I agree with Gareth. It is a strain on the marriage (my experienc), but if you have respect for one another, than it is not a problem. Good comments.

Blogger さんのコメント...

I agree with you! I also think sometimes religious difference make a big problem.
Why do you think this movie is overly?