
International food and Last class

I enjoyed joining this class.
I could eat some international foods for the last day, and all foods are great.
I don't like to make a presentation and say something in front of people actually, but this class was a good experience.
Especially, I could learn Cultures of many other countries. it was so interesting.
Thank you so much EVERYBODY:0)

Have a nice break!!!!!



1. Do you think Japan should give more students options to study more languages (other than English) in Junior and Senior High School?

I don't think so. Before that, we should learn more natural English. In junior and high school, we just learn English for passing exams.

2. Read this interesting opinion from the Mainichi newspaper. Do you agree with the author? Is being fluent in English a waste of time?

I agree with the aouthor. "If the purpose of the government's action plan is only to make people fluent in English -- which, by the way, is a difficult thing to do -- it is of no use at all. " I really think so. If we don't have a special aim, our english won't improve. I also think teaches are confusing is a problem. English education is important for us especially to use English for future job. However, if the teachers will teach wrong English, it's not good. So I think we need native English speakers for the education system.

Men and Women

Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese). Please explain why in your blog.

I agree with the author not everything but almost everything.
This article is written about mainly men, but I think some things are true of women.
I think cause of "Out-of-love" is connected with society. I mean the aouthor is saying about "low birth rate" , but I think our lives getting more convenient recentely is also connected. We have a cell phone, and we can contact with anyone all the time. Maybe it's one of the reasons getting lose our passion. In addition, before in Japan women was under men. However these days women more independent in society. I think thoughs of them is changing to each other.

Table Manners

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant?
Yes, I have.

Korean, French, Mexican, Chinese, Indian restaurant.

What did you eat?
Bibimbap, Spaghetti, Gyoza(dumpling), Curry.

Did you make any mistakes?
Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

I didn't any big mistakes, but when I ate Indian curry with naan.
And usually I eat food use chopsticks, spoon, or fork,but Indian eat food with their right hand.



In your blog please write your comments and thoughts of the movie.

Today's movie was really fun. Thank you, Meiki sensei.

Do you think this is a true story?
Maybe this movie is made overly, but I think this is a true story.
Sometimes religious difference is a big problem.

Can this really happen in today's modern times?
Yes, I think so.
Our minds are becoming open to other religions and ideas, but still have problems of them.
I think marriage should be more free, and make the couple the first priority.
However, in my case, I'm an irreligious, so I can't imagine that join religious family.

Happy Christmas☆



For homework, please answer the following in your blog:
Read the proverbs and sayings about time. For each one describe the meaning.
Tell me what cultural values do they suggest. In your closing statement please explain a time proverb in your culture.Proverbs:

1. Time is money.

It means time is really important, because time is so valuable like money.
There is a limit to use time. So don't make no waste!!!

2. A stitch in time saves nine.
It means as early as posible you should deal with any problems until become a big problem.

3.There's no time like the present.
It means don't postpone anything what you can do now. I think it's related to " Time is money".

4.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.
I can't understand this very well, but I think it means time can't wait.


1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea?

I want to have small wedding, because a massive wedding is expensive and preparation is really hard.

2. What do you think about eloping? Having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii?

I have never thought about eloping, but it's depends on the situation and the persons.
Having a wedding in a foreign location is nice I think, because there are so many good places around the world. Beatiful and quiet locations are nice.

3.What is your ideal wedding?
I want to have a small wedding with my family and close friends in beautiful island.

4.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?
I would do definitely wear a white wedding dress. Because it's special for bride.

5. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
I have never been there.